am on the mood posting all of my random photos that i posted on instagram lately. sadly, because i've been lost my iphone last couple months, i can't captured moment anytime anywhere like before (taking my d90 everywhere is way too heavy and difficult), but sometimes i still posted some photos, and here's a little gallery of my random photos i want to share :
so, what do you think of it ? ;p
like Samuel butler said, "every man's work, wether it be literature, or music, or pictures or architecture or anything else, always a potrait of himself".
Like Frank Gehry with his "fish" concept, Zoeey Deschanel with her quirky fashion and music, Can you captured what kind of person am i by looking from my photographs? ;)
filternya asik! kalau boleh tau pake apa ya buat editnya? =)
BalasHapuspake photoshop aja :)
BalasHapuskak tissa, mau tanya harga scrapbooknya berapaan ?